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Strategic planning
and monitoring

The Importance of Corporate Planning

All companies, no matter how big or small, can be highly benefitted from a detailed corporate plan that outlines the teams’ next steps and sets them off for success.

In every aspect of life, teams often share a common objective, finding it more attainable when they collaborate to achieve it. Whether it is a sports team, fan club, or an office department, as the objective becomes more intricate, teams require a structured plan for guidance. At its core, this plan typically outlines a common objective and distributes specific roles and responsibilities to achieve it.

This fundamental principle holds relevance across various aspects of life, particularly within the corporate world. Corporate planning functions as a pathway for businesses, navigating them through the complexities of ever-shifting market dynamics. Not only does it synchronize the daily tasks of every team member towards a unified vision, but it also serves as a compass, allowing teams to monitor and enhance their productivity.

What is Corporate Planning?

At its core, corporate planning is a management process where organizations set common goals, determine granular actions to achieve them, and strategizes on where to allocate the resources to do so. The process behind making these choices involves analyzing the current state of the company, benchmark their status with the one of their competitors, and review current and future market trends.

Differences Between Business, Strategic, and Corporate Planning

Some places may interchange a corporate plan with a business or a strategic plan, but while they are all interconnected and contribute to the overall success of the company, there are some basic differences between all three of them.

A business plan details how the company brings money and what is the cost of running the business on a daily basis. The plan includes budgeting and needed resources.

A strategic plan sets priorities and action plans that will take the company from their current state to their desired one. It includes current and desired performance metrics, mission, vision, and values.

A corporate plan aligns all divisions with the overall goals of the organization. It outlines a roadmap to get to the goal established on the strategic plan and allocates the budget outlined by the business plan. This plan is usually done by upper management, and it sets guiding principles for each business unit or subsidiary, which they then use to develop their own strategic plans.

For example, for a company that sells furniture, the business plan would detail revenue streams like sales of new products and consulting services, as well as the cost structure including manufacturing, salaries, and overhead expenses.

On the other hand, the strategic plan sets out the furniture company’s long-term goals, such as becoming a leader in eco-friendly production by 2030, with a mission to innovate for a sustainable future.

Lastly, the corporate plan integrates these elements on a broader scale, aligning the budgeting of different divisions like research, manufacturing, and sales with the company-wide objective of becoming a leader in eco-friendly production by 2030.

Why Corporate Planning Matters

Corporate planning is key in a lot of ways, but most importantly, it establishes a framework for adaptability in case things don’t go according to plan and allows management to put into practice several alternative strategic scenarios that they may have drawn up.

When planning a long-term strategy, management can create and assess multiple potential courses of action against the backdrop of the organization’s long-term objectives to anticipate different outcomes, identify potential risks, and evaluate the feasibility and alignment of these strategies with the overarching goals. Whether it’s exploring new markets, investing in innovative technologies, or adapting to unforeseen circumstances, the ability to contemplate and evaluate diverse strategic pathways is a textbook example of a well-structured corporate planning framework.

For instance, retail giants like Walmart and Target expedited their shift towards e-commerce during COVID-19. They managed to successfully do so thanks to their pre-existing goals to expand their online platforms and contactless delivery options. When an unforeseen pandemic shut down global operations, these types of companies geared their efforts towards optimizing their supply chains to meet increased demand for online shopping, ensuring the safety of both customers and employees.

Four Key Components to Draft a Corporate Plan

While there is no secret formula to come up with the perfect corporate plan, there are four essential elements these must include to ensure that your teams are equipped with a comprehensive framework that will help them understand their role within the company:

Strategic alignment of the plans: The corporate plan must align with both the strategic and business plans. It should use the long-term goals and action plans of the strategic plan as the base to set the pathway of the company; and the financial and operational insights of the business plan to outline how to move ahead. For example, our furniture company’s corporate plan must align research and development efforts with market needs and financial capabilities to ensure innovation is feasible and to justify how it will be commercially viable.

Consideration of external factors: Corporate plans must always contextualize their strategies to ensure feasibility and profitability under different conditions. This includes conducting a thorough SWOT analysis to assess external challenges and internal capabilities to address them, followed by developing a set of actionable methods to implement these strategies. In our example, this could translate into plans for market expansion, opening innovation departments, implementing a cost leadership approach, among others.

Resource Allocation: An important aspect of a corporate plan, and a differentiating factor, is the detailed outline of resource allocation like funds, people, and technology. This part of the plan shows how these resources will be given out to help carry out the company’s strategies and plans. By doing this, the plan not only sets the direction for new projects but also lets different parts of the company see how decisions are made. Most importantly, this empowers managers and supervisors to optimize the use of their allocated resources to meet the company’s main goals.

Stakeholder engagement: Effective communication and engagement with all stakeholders – employees, customers, investors, and the target audience – are vital. The corporate plan should include strategies for stakeholder engagement, ensuring that everyone understands and is committed to the company’s vision and goals. This might involve regular updates, transparent reporting on sustainability efforts, and involvement of employees in decision-making processes.

Creating a corporate plan involves strategic thinking, collaboration among team members, and a thorough understanding of the organization’s internal and external landscape, so the best approach to come up with a robust and viable corporate plan is to divide the planning and drafting into several working sessions, include all pertinent employees from the very beginning, and divide the plan into medium and long-term actions.

Keeping Track of a Corporate Plan

In the complex journey of creating a corporate plan, establishing goals within specific time frames is crucial when guiding an organization toward success. A well-designed corporate plan not only outlines a strategy but also sets clear, achievable actions with realistic deadlines, which will be of great help for team managers for their daily planning as it helps create a roadmap for progress, ensuring responsibility and helps understanding each team’s role within the company.

One of the biggest challenges in corporate planning revolves around keeping track of achievements, especially those related to long-term goals. As these goals are meant to develop over extended periods of time, keeping an eye on and measuring progress can be challenging.

Without proper systems in place, monitoring milestones reached within these timeframes becomes difficult, and this can hinder a lot of crucial factors, such as KPIs, budgeting, among others.

To succeed in corporate planning, it’s crucial to provide all team members, especially managers, with effective tools. These tools serve two purposes: Overseeing departmental projects and ensuring the steady progress of all tasks, no matter their size or complexity.

One of the best tools teams can count with is a project planning software, and the key is to choose user-friendly software that resonates with all team members.

Nowadays, a project planning software is more of a necessity rather than an added value. This software should not only make tracking easy but also offer intuitive ways to share information and access to different user roles to allow various levels of privacy, enhancing collaboration while protecting sensitive information.

A significant aspect of these tools is their ability to provide an easy-to-use interface for everyone. When managers, team members, and stakeholders can easily engage with the platform, it creates a culture of openness and teamwork, but also boosts productivity and responsibility throughout the organization.

Using a project management tool will also help make corporate discussions simpler. When all team members use the same tool in every department, everyone sees the same information on the same platform, so you will all be speaking on the same corporate “language”.

With a range of features designed to address the challenges of corporate planning, Taskia is the best software for project management. Taskia‘s multifunctional platform not only helps establish time-bound goals but also ensures smooth monitoring of progress.

With its user-friendly interface and customizable user roles, Taskia brings together diverse teams, simplify processes, and facilitates all projects, regardless of how ambitious they are. From corporate planning to daily tasks, Taskia enables seamless integration across departments, empowering teams to achieve collective objectives effectively.

In conclusion, setting a corporate plan is the ideal first step towards organizational success, but giving teams the tools to accomplish such plan is fundamental. With the right tools and a software like Taskia, upper management can ensure coordinated efforts, effectively monitor progress, and reach milestones within specified time frames to ensure long-lasting progress.


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