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Strategic planning
and monitoring

Strategic Planning: Three main levels

How the influence of strategic planning in multi-departmental companies varies based on one’s role in the organization.

“Success is 20% skills and 80% strategy,” says American entrepreneur Jim Rohn, highlighting the importance of strategic planning. Regardless of a company’s size, three key elements are essential: clear roles, a shared goal, and a practical plan to achieve it.

Corporate planning begins with a simple formula: set a common goal, create strategies to achieve it, and align daily tasks accordingly. However, practical application can become complex due to overlaps, which can lead to excessive work and misaligned results.

Maintaining clear distinctions between planning levels is vital. Understanding the company’s hierarchy and empowering teams to prioritize tasks aligned with overarching goals is crucial for success.

Harvard Business Review identifies three main levels of strategic planning: Corporate, Business, and Functional. Recognizing the structure of each level is key in project management, as the hierarchy varies based on team contributions.

Corporate Planning

While “strategy” and “planning” are often used interchangeably, their significance varies by role. For upper management, planning is essential. Headquarters is responsible for establishing the company’s overall goal, which includes stakeholder management, resource acquisition, and defining team roles.

Business Planning

Once top management sets a goal, the next tier—divisions and teams—takes charge of Business Planning. Each group must create plans that align with the main goal, clearly outlining their operations and establishing policies within a pragmatic timeframe.

Functional Planning

In the Functional Planning stage, teams draft actionable tasks to achieve departmental strategies. This requires selecting specific areas of work and creating a sequence of tasks for each team member. Granular planning is essential, and tools like Monday, Asana, and Trello can facilitate collaboration and track progress.

Taskia is ideal for Functional Planning, as it connects corporate strategies with daily tasks, helping employees see how their contributions align with organizational goals. This fosters a purpose-driven workforce.

Handling Overlaps

In multinational corporations, role overlaps can occur. Coordinators serve as intermediaries, translating upper-management objectives into actionable strategies for their teams. Monitoring progress closely helps prevent detrimental overlaps, and Taskia’s collaborative approach allows for regular check-ins to ensure harmonious project progress.

Reporting and Readjusting

Bottom-up reporting and consistent checks are essential for alignment across diverse teams. By understanding each unit’s progress, managers can suggest real-time adjustments to keep everyone on track. Continuous communication and feedback are vital for navigating evolving goals and strategies.

In today’s dynamic business world, role-defined, goal-oriented planning is essential. Utilizing project management software and consulting firms empowers teams, streamlining processes and achieving long-term success.

We hope you find value in strategic planning and leverage these resources to drive your organization toward success.

Image by Freepik


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